Zino Double Blade Cigar Cutter Review


Apart from having a humidorQuality Importers Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor Review, a cigar cutter is another important tool you should have. Just a wrong cut will ruin a cigar even if it is the most wonderful cigar. You get that standard enjoyment after giving a cigar a neat and perfect cut. The importance of cigar cutters shouldn’t be underrated. When cutting a cigar, the goal is to get an accurate and neat cut without disrupting the structure. You need to cut off just the right size without getting in deep. Cigar lovers must have experienced what it’s like to give a cigar a wrong cut. Cutting in deep will not allow you to get smoke from the cigar. A wrong cut could affect the wrapper and you end up unfolding the cigar. Some people indeed used their teeth or hands to cut the cigar top in the past and even now. While some people used knives or piercers. But it could go wrong. For instance, While using the teeth, it’s not possible to see where exactly you’re cutting, the teeth aren’t as sharp as a cutter and tobacco could end up in your teeth or mouth. In the case of knives, it often requires focused eyes and steady hands to cut a cigar. Taking a knife around will involve making it clean and sharp at all times. And this will involve occasional lubrication which may ruin the smell and flavour of the cigar(which you don’t want). If you’ve also considered using piercers, note that it can get hard to use. Cigars tend to burn very hotly when you pierce too deep and a hole forms. All these tools are not ideal for cutting cigars. And this points back to cigar cutters as the best. If you are a cigar lover, then you should have a cigar cutter handy. With a cigar cutter, you can get a neat opening that allows you to enjoy better smoking without any damage to the structure of cigars. Let’s review one of the best cigar cutters you should consider getting.

Zino Double Blade Cigar Cutter

The Zino double blade cigar cutter is one of the best cigar cutters. It has been in existence for quite a while and its quality has never wavered. It is popularly known for the accurate, neat and reliable cut it gives. It works efficiently and performs maximally. Just as the name implies, it is designed with double blades. Not just double blades, but sharp double blades. With this cigar cutter, you can easily cut off the cap of the cigar one time without any efforts. Another impressive thing about the Zino double blade cutter is the versatility. It can cut through any size and type of cigar. With the quality design, you can trust it to work effectively. With the precise and neat cut, you can enjoy your cigar better and satisfyingly. One disadvantage it has that cannot be considered as one is that it runs out of stock quickly due to the high demand. Consider some features of the Zino double blade cigar cutter.


• Sharp stainless steel double blades

• designed with fibreglass materials

• comes in different colours

• portable and mobile

• durable

• Easy to employ

• Easy and precise cut


Huge demand makes it go out of stock easily


Since most cigars come with a cap, it is only necessary that you cut off the cap. But what is most important is an accurate and neat cut. After longing to smoke, a wrong cut can ruin the mood. A quality cigar will lose its value with just a wrong cut. Therefore, you must make use of a cigar cutter rather than using knives, piercers or teeth which may damage the structure of the cigar. Knowing that a cigar cutter is the most reliable way to have a clean-cut, it is also imperative that you choose the right cigar cutter. This article has discussed the Zino double blade cigar cutter, one of the best cigar cutter out there that gives a precise and neat cut allowing you to enjoy your cigar to the full.

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