Quality Importers Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor Review


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Cigars are top-rated among the rich and the poor. There are two primary reasons people purchase cigars, including for smoking or collection purposes. If you buy your cigar for smoking, it should not be a problem as you will not be purchasing in large quantities. Although, people who also purchase in large quantities can be regular smokers. But, purchasing in large quantities and not having a humidor cabinet can be harmful. The reason is that humidor helps preserve your cigars and keep them fresh till you need them. This article will be reviewing the Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor and what it has to offer.

For every cigar lover, getting the right humidor for their cigar is vital, and we all want the best. We bring the Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor to you, making it easy for you to store your cigars with its storage capacity of up 100 cigars. With this humidor, you can be assured that your cigars would maintain their moisture level and remain fresh until you need them. At first sight, you will notice that the Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor comes with a tobacco design at the top, making it unique from the rest. Also, if you are a lover of art, you should appreciate this design. If we look at the body, the opening and closing of the humidor are accessible due to the presence of concealed quadrant hinges. If you are a great lover of cigars, you should check out Best Cigar Humidor Cabinets

In the production of humidors, the manufacturers put different producers in place to ensure they are delivering quality products. It is known that each manufacture that produces top-quality products have their unique patented Sureseal technology. This technology ensures that your cigars are kept in the proper conditions always no matter the duration. Getting a Sureseal mark is no easy task, as there is a strict process before it can be granted. That is why any product that has the seal, you can be assured it is top quality. There are different products available to serve the same purpose in the present market situation, and what better way to differentiate them than using the seal.

Going by the ratings this product has gotten, you will be sure you are getting a quality product. One thing most cigar lovers face when trying to get a humidor is space. But, the Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor solves that issue while also providing you with an accurate hygrometer. Although, that doesn’t prevent you from using a digital hygrometer.


Another critical factor in a humidor is the construction. The construction and design go a long way in determining if the humidor will be durable and worth the price. The Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor is made from wooden materials while also made of glossy maple. If you check the top of the lid, you will notice a leaf design that looks like a wooden inlay. If you decide to look at the front of the humidor, you will notice the lock is gold plated, which is safe as the accessory needed to unlock it. However, there is also a tassel attached to the key used to unlock the humidor. There is also the option of engraving your name or anything you want on the brass nameplate attached to the humidor.

Let us have a look inside. The first thing you will notice when you unlock the humidor is the tray made from Spanish cedar and easily lifted. It will also be great to mention the divider present in the middle of the humidor, which makes storing your cigars easier.

Just like every device, they always have pros and cons. Let us have a look at that of the Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor.


It has a great design

It is resistant to scratch

It comes with the Sureseal technology seal

It can be used to store up to 100 cigars at once


It is not great at holding moisture


If you are looking to get a premium quality humidor that can store a large number of your cigars, then the Deauville 100 Cigar Humidor fits in perfectly. We have provided you with s excellent bit of information about this product, and the reviews we have to go through show that it is indeed a great product. If you are not satisfied with this humidor and need more options, then you can check out (Best Humidor Packs