Cigar Tips For Beginners


Most of the time, experience is usually the best teacher, and when it comes to cigar smoking, it’s no different. Learning about cigars is an intricate hobby to take on; it may seem overwhelming to properly study and understand the ins and outs of smoking a cigar. There are steps to take before and during smoking. If you are a beginner, the steps below will help you properly enjoy smoking a cigar.


The same way people try out varieties of wines is the same way cigars are tried; you need to find a cigar that suits your tastes and budget. There are a lot of good cigars you can try; they include the Leon Jimenes Robusto, which is $6, the Montecristo #3 that is $8, the Davidoff 5000 that is $16, and the Ashton Cabinet #6 that is $9.50. if you need cigars for a special occasion, you can go for options such as the God of Fire by Don Carlos and Robusto 2006, which is three for $57. Selecting a cigar is the first step to enjoying a cigar; that is why choosing the right cigar involves a lot of steps. We will be discussing the aspects of how to select a cigar. Cigars can be selected according to their shape, strength, length, ring, binders, wrappers, fillers, and origin. Let us take an in-depth look.

Cigar Strength

The strength of a cigar depends on the intensity of the cigar and not the size or shape of the cigar. The strength you go for depends on your personal taste. The strength of a cigar depends on the amount of nicotine it contains. When it comes to cigar strengths, it can be broken into three categories, which are mellow, medium, and full. It is best for a first-timer to start with a cigar that is mellow and then increase your taste as you get more experience.

Flavor Profile

The same way wine has different flavors is the same way cigars have their own variety of flavors. Finding your preference in cigar flavor is most likely the most important characteristic in a cigar. Cigar flavors range from rich, chocolate tastes to spicy and zesty. Some cigars have fruity or floral flavors. When it comes to the overall flavor content of a cigar, the term “body” is used.

Cigar Shapes

Cigars come in various shapes; they can be skinny, long, fat, and short. The cigar’s shape usually doesn’t have any role in the cigar’s flavor and strength, but it plays a role in how the cigar is constructed and the overall experience. Cigars come in three basic shapes: the Parejo, a straight and round cigar, Figurado, a round cigar with a taper, and box-pressed cigars, a cigar that has been pressed to give it a rectangular shape.

Cigar Ring Gauge

The ring gauge of a cigar is the length around the cigar’s circular part, which is basically the cigar’s diameter—the U.S. and U.K. measure cigars in inches while other parts of the world measure in centimeters. The ring gauge is the part of the cigar where you find the flavor and difference in strength. A cigar that is thin will have less strength but more flavor, while a thick cigar will have more filler than tobacco, which will make the cigar’s strength to be more but have a mild flavor.

Wrappers, Filler And Binder

The cigar’s wrapper can also tell you a lot about the cigar. The leaves which are used as the wrapper range from black or dark brown to a pale green color. Cigars with a dark wrapper usually have more flavor, but that doesn’t mean that it will have an intense strength. Wrapper colors range from Candela, Claro, Colorado, Maduro to Oscuro. Apart from the wrappers, a cigar is also made up of fillers, which is the inner part, and binders, which is the layer that holds in the moisture content. They sometimes include leaves from varying countries.


After selecting the cigar that suits your needs, the next step is getting the right cutter. The cutter that is most common among smokers is the double-blade guillotine; you can find this cutter in any cigar shop around you. What you want to do is cut the cigar at about a quarter of an inch below the cigar’s head. You could try this method of laying the cutter on the table and standing the cigar into the cutter and cut.

Lighting The Cigar

It is best to always make use of a butane lighter or wooden matches. While you’re puffing, ensure that you keep rolling the cigar, and once it has been lit properly, blow on the flame to distribute the burn evenly.


Cigars are meant to be smoked and not stores, but if you want to keep your cigars for a week or longer, you will need a proper place to store them. If you are certain that you enjoy smoking, you can invest in a humidor, but if you are not sure, go for an option that isn’t too expensive, such as the F.G.T. Enterprises Connoisseur Humi-Pouch, which is $2.95, and it can keep your cigar fresh for up to three months.

Tips For Smoking A Cigar

  • Don’t puff it too fast, it makes the cigar lose its flavor, and it gives the cigar a burnt taste.
  • Beware of nicotine sickness. If you are not used to nicotine, it could make you nauseous, if this happens, get something sugary to eat as soon as possible. Get soda or candy as they work best.
  • Have a beverage while smoking. Having your favorite drink while you drink allows you to enjoy your cigar more.
  • Ensure that you only smoke in places that allow smoking, you don’t want to get embarrassed.
  • It is important to have a plan that helps you get rid of your smoker’s breath, you ould use Therabreath with a tongue scraper.


These above tips will help you choose and enjoy the right cigar. They aren’t compulsory steps, but they are very helpful in your journey towards learning how to enjoy a cigar. There are varieties of cigars to try; we hope you have fun on your journey.

Also, see:

(Great Reasons People Smoke Cigars)

(How To Ash A Cigar)

(How To Keep Cigars Fresh)